Seminar "Mathematical Physics"

Time/place: Lecture (eKVV):  Fri 10:15-12:00 (online)
→  link to the Zoom meeting room  (meeting ID: 985 7288 7100; password sent by email)

Instructors: Nicolas Borghini (borghini at physik dot uni-bielefeld dot de; office: E6-123),  Tim Würfel

News: none 
Prerequisites:  Lecture "Symmetries in Physics" (winter term)
Literature: see the overview of topics
Topics & schedule: May 7  Variational principles  (N.B.)
May 14  Noether theorem  (S.H.)
May 28  Introduction to Lie algebras  (M.Sc.)
June 4  Cartan-Killing classification  (M.Sp.)
June 11  Introduction to Lie groups  (P.N.)
June 18  Introduction to Supersymmetry  (B.M.)
June 25  Introduction to Random Matrix Theory  (N.A.)
Links: if necessary