Who is who in the atomic and particle physics group

Please note that email connection is obtained by clicking on the symbol <name>.
In most cases the explicite email address is name@physik.uni-bielefeld.de



* Günter Baum (em.) <baum>
* Hans Steidl (em.) <steidl>
* Wilhelm Raith (em.) <wilhelm.raith@gmail.com>
* Gabi Krome <krome>

Former Scientific Associates


* Fabrice Gautheron <gautheron>
* >>> Now with Bochum University
* Leo Schütz, ...retired

Former PhD Students

Former Diploma Students

* Natasa Pavlovic PhD obtained in 2003.
* Peter Fauland PhD obtained in 2004.
* Bernhard Roth PhD obtained in 2001.
* Angele Tripet PhD obtained in 2002, now at Neuchatel
* Ingo Ernsting Diploma obtained, now at Düsseldorf
* Former Associates and PhD Students

| Faculty of Physics | Experimental Physics | Group D1: Physics of Atoms and Particles

Günter Baum, Sep.12., 2003